COP 27 (Conference of Parties) is taking place from Sunday 6th November 2022 until Friday 18th November 2022 in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. CMI champions the UNFCCC Paris Agreement and TCFD’s framework of climate and net-zero emission goals and mechanisms, and will again be leading its own delegation to this year’s COP, as well as hosting a number of events.

This page collates information regarding CMI’s COP27 activities –  including details on our 2022 delegation, events, press materials, video updates and useful resources. Stayed tuned for regular updates throughout COP.

CMI's COP27 delegation

Every year CMI leads a delegation of Australian businesses to the UNFCCC COP, which is open to CMI Corporate Members only. Individuals in these organisations provide an expression of interest to be considered for attendance for either or both weeks, and CMI aims to select candidates which cover a broad spectrum of interests within its limited allocation.

COP27 Quick Links

Listed below are a range of ‘quick link’ resources, including official COP27 resources, background documents, a collation of announcements, and interesting news and media items.