Media Releases

Response to carbon farming issues raised in nine newspapers

Strengthen Climate Active for Net Zero Leadership

CMI Election Priorities: Six Steps for a Coherent Climate Plan

Groundbreaking QLD carbon farming study reveals growing landholder support, but divergent views on community benefits remain

Businesses expect ACCU prices to double over the next decade

Climate reports indicate Safeguard and other policy progress and potential

CMI calls for clarity and conviction in aftermath of COP29

Fiji roadmap adds to carbon market progress at COP29

New Environmental Plantings Method: Timely seasonal step

Australia needs a Trusted Data Plan to grow digital capability for a net zero, nature positive future

Carbon market progress centre stage on Day One of COP29

Independent health check of Carbon Industry Code of Conduct

Level the playing field to accelerate Australia’s industrial transition

Future of Safeguard and carbon credit methods in focus at Summit

Step forward for carbon credits, but new uncertainty over the Safeguard