Integrated Farm and Land Management method development

The proposed Integrated Farm and Land Management (IFLM) method is one of two carbon farming methods currently in co-design, led by the Australian Government. It is proposed that the IFLM method will combine vegetation and soil carbon sequestration, enabling a package of carbon management activity modules to be implemented by land managers under one integrated carbon farming method.

The CMI IFLM Taskforce is an industry taskforce, which is collaborating with the Government on the co-design of the methodology. As part of this process the Taskforce has sought a broad range of input for its work, including peer-reviewed literature. To support literacy of this method, the Taskforce has created a series of explainers which can be accessed at the link below.

Safeguard Mechanism

On July 1, 2023, the federal government’s strengthened Safeguard Mechanism legislation came into effect. These reforms were designed to lift the ambition of this policy and guide investment decisions in the industrial sector, to drive real and substantial emissions reductions. Our Safeguard Mechanism FAQs explore key details of this vital policy reform.

ACCU Review

The federal government has accepted each of the recommendations delivered by its Independent Review into ACCUs in principle, and is currently rolling out its ACCU Implementation Plan. These changes will ensure Australia’s domestic carbon market is fit-for-purpose, however ongoing review of the scheme will reinforce its role as one key tool in Australia’s climate policy suite. In the first half of 2023, CMI published a market brief unpacking the Review’s key recommendations in more detail.