Bonnie Doone Soil Carbon Project

  • Location


  • Status


Units generated:

Purchased by:
Commercial in confidence

Project proponents:
Carbon Link

Land management activities:
This project increases carbon in soil in the agricultural system by altering the stocking rate, duration or intensity of grazing.

Verification doc
Emissions Reduction Fund Register

North Burnett graziers Carly and Grant Burnham commenced a soil carbon project in 2016 in partnership with CarbonLink, covering over 5,275 hectares of their property.

Despite seasonal challenges of dry weather and fluctuating cattle prices, extensive testing and auditing of Bonnie Doone demonstrated the Burnhams’ adoption of new land management practices resulted in the equivalent of 126,222 tonnes of greenhouse gas emission being sequestered into their soils over the five-year reporting period.

In late 2023, the couple were awarded 94,666 Australian Carbon Credit Units (ACCUs) by the national Clean Energy Regulator – the largest allocation for an individual soil carbon farming project in Australia to date.

Project Co-Benefits

Sustainable Development Goals

Connect with the project team


Workshop Boat Repair, 15 Morgan Street, Gladstone Central Gladstone, QLD, Australia