Units generated:
Purchased by:
Commercial in confidence
Project proponents:
Natural Carbon
Verification doc
Emissions Reduction Fund Register
127,510 ACCUs total units issued
Units generated:
Purchased by:
Commercial in confidence
Project proponents:
Natural Carbon
Verification doc
Emissions Reduction Fund Register
This project involves strategic and planned burning of savanna areas in the high and low rainfall zones during the early dry season to reduce the risk of late dry season wild fires.
This savanna burning project works with local rangers to undertake strategic aerial and on-ground burning in the tropical winter, so as to reduce fuel loads in later (hotter) months when dry lightning storms begin. By preventing larger late-season wildfires, emissions are reduced when compared against the historical average.
Raak Nguunge means ‘burning season’ in the Kuuk Thaayorre language, and the success of the project is thanks to strong collaboration between the Pormpuraaw Aboriginal Shire Council and the Pormpuraaw Land & Sea Management Rangers.
Lead Contact
Christopher Wheatley
Chief Operating Officer
33 Lincoln Square South, Carlton VIC, Australia