Ploughshare Revegetation

  • Location


  • Status


  • Abatement volume

    6,825 ACCU total units issued

Units generated:

Purchased by:
Commercial in confidence

Project proponents:

Land management activities:
This project establishes permanent plantings of a mix of native tree species on land that was predominantly used for agricultural purposes for at least five years prior to project commencement. The tree species are native to the local area.

Verification doc
Emissions Reduction Fund Register

Located on land traditionally owned by the Dja Dja Wurrung people in Wedderburn, Victoria, this forest is named after the Ploughshare Wattle (Acacia gunnii) found in the area, and plays a vital role in biodiversity protection while building habitat for native wildlife. The planting site adjoins many properties in the region, which are all working to restore the land and fill the gaps in vegetation to build crucial wildlife habitat.

In 2009, Greenfleet direct seeded native species across 262 ha of the property with the aim to create a resilient and biodiverse forest. More than 10 years on, the native forest is growing well, and more than 25 native plant species can be found on the property.

Project co-benefits

Sustainable Development Goals

The property was once bare like the property next to it.
We identified what species would have been here naturally, and direct seeded those species.
The eroded topsoil slowly returning as vegetation regrows.
Rows of local species cover this land once again.
The land was infertile with some existing remnant vegetation, it lent itself well to a carbon project.

Connect with the project team

Lead Contact

Michael Coleman
General Manager Partnerships


level 4/517 Flinders Street, Melbourne VIC, Australia