Delivering High Integrity Carbon Markets – Regulation, Supply & Demand

2024 Corporate Climate Masterclass Series

  • Date

    26 Sep - 5 Dec 2024

  • Time

    1-4pm AEDT / Local Time

  • Location


On behalf of the Clean Energy Regulator


The Carbon Market Institute’s 2024 Corporate Climate Masterclass Series, delivered on behalf of the Clean Energy Regulator, aims to engage and educate Australian business leaders on the role of carbon markets in corporate transition pathways and Australia’s economy-wide decarbonisation.

As carbon markets play an increasingly important role in Australia, facilitating business transition in alignment with the Paris Agreement goals, the rules of engagement in net zero transition are also rapidly evolving.

Alongside the reformed Safeguard Mechanism that established a strengthened compliance carbon market for Australia’s top polluting industrial facilities, Australia’s forthcoming mandatory climate-related financial disclosure regime and a burgeoning ecosystem of legal, policy and investment frameworks are now shaping financial flows and business decision making.

In this new era of net zero aligned corporate action, integrity remains a critical dimension of how carbon markets are governed and regulated, and how and when companies should engage with carbon markets to reinforce and accelerate the net zero transition.

Through a five-part series delivered in-person and online, the Corporate Climate Masterclass Series provides business practitioners with the foundational knowledge necessary to understand key climate policy, regulatory and market frameworks relevant to Australian businesses. It also delivers practical knowledge to enable practitioners to engage in carbon markets to meet their compliance obligations and realise ambitious decarbonisation strategies.


  • Thursday 26 September (Virtual), 1pm AEST/ 11am AWST (90 minutes)
    Preliminary Webinar: Carbon Markets in Context
  • Monday 28 October Melbourne (Hybrid), 1-4pm AEDT/ 10-1pm AWST (3 hours)
    Session 1: Net Zero Policies, Markets and Frameworks for Corporate Action
  • Thursday 28 November Brisbane (Hybrid), 12 – 3pm BNE/ 1-4pm AEDT/ 10-1pm AWST (3 hours)
    Session 2: High-Integrity Carbon Origination and Procurement
  • Tuesday 3 December Perth (Hybrid), 10-1pm AWST / 1-4pm AEDT (3 hours)
    Session 3: Enabling Action to Enhance Credible Corporate Transition
  • Thursday 5 December Sydney (Hybrid), 1-4pm AEDT/ 11-1 AWST (3 hours)
    Session 4: COP29 Symposium

Session One - Melbourne

Net Zero Policies, Markets and Frameworks for Corporate Action

Session One: Net Zero Policies, Markets and Frameworks for Corporate Action

This session will introduce the key domestic policy and legislative frameworks governing corporate net zero transition in Australia.

It will also provide a deeper discussion on corporate governance, market frameworks and best market guidance that is available to businesses navigating the transition towards net zero emissions.

Part 1: Australia's Climate Policy and Market Frameworks


John Connor

Edwina Johnson

Kath Rowley

Part 2: State of Australia's Carbon Markets

Darryn Rowsell

Daniel Sinclair

Marco Stella

Part 3: Climate Risk, Governance and Disclosure


Kurt Winter

Naomi Bergman

Meredith Read

Session Two - Brisbane

High-Integrity Carbon Origination and Procurement

Session Two: High-Integrity Carbon Origination and Procurement

This session will focus on carbon credit origination and procurement. It will introduce the key integrity elements of the ACCU Scheme to support investment confidence.

It will also provide a deeper discussion on key considerations in carbon credit origination and procurement to support businesses looking to engage with Australia’s ACCU Scheme.

Part 1: Integrity in Australia's Carbon Market


John Connor

Michelle Crosbie

Part 2: Risk Management in Carbon Project Developments


Kurt Winter

Samuel Dawes

Part 3: How to Engage in Method Development and Opportunities for Innovation: Panel Discussion


Janet Hallows

Margaret Jewell

Taira Vora

Session Three - Perth

Enabling Action to Enhance Credible Corporate Transition

Session Three: Enabling Action to Enhance Credible Corporate Transition

This session will focus on carbon and renewable energy trading to contribute towards corporate transition, in the context of compliance obligations and voluntary corporate commitments.

It will cover the key regulatory and best practice dimensions of carbon trading, including Safeguard Mechanism compliance, AFS licensing and credible corporate transition plans and claims.

Part 1: Carbon Trading to Meet Compliance Obligations and Voluntary Commitments


Kurt Winter

Alexander Lewis

Jane Wardlaw

Part 2: Renewable Energy Perspectives

Berwyn Wong

Part 3: Demand Side Integrity and Credibility in Carbon Trading

Session Four - Sydney

COP29 Symposium

Session Four: COP29 Symposium

Against the backdrop of the UNFCCC COP29, this session will focus on key developments into the future, for Australia’s carbon market and broader climate policy suite and how those changes may impact the market and corporate transition pathways.

It will cover key developments from the formal COP negotiations and associated announcements, key domestic policy and market reforms and market infrastructure developments.

Part 1: Policy and Market Outcomes from COP29

Emily Gerrard

Janet Hallows

Mei Zi Tan

Part 2: Developments on Corporate Transition

Kurt Winter

Part 3: Domestic Policy and Market Outlook

John Connor

Eliza Murray

Georgina Prasad

Naomi Bergman
John Connor
Michelle Crosbie
Samuel Dawes
Emily Gerrard
Janet Hallows
Margaret Jewell
Edwina Johnson
Alexander Lewis
Eliza Murray
Georgina Prasad
Kath Rowley
Darryn Rowsell
Meredith Read
Daniel Sinclair
Marco Stella
Mei Zi Tan
Taira Vora
Gabriella Warden
Jane Wardlaw
Kurt Winter
Berwyn Wong

Corporate Climate Masterclass Series is delivered on behalf of

Session Host

Preliminary Webinar: Carbon Markets in Context

This webinar will provide the necessary foundational knowledge on how Australia’s carbon market operates, how to participate in carbon markets, an overview of domestic compliance fundamentals, market dynamics and developments, and engagement opportunities in voluntary markets. It is recommended for all participants wanting to build or refresh their knowledge of carbon markets and gain insights into recent and upcoming market developments both in Australia and globally.