Carbon Farming Industry Forum

Carbon Farming Forum
  • Date
    20 - 22 May 2024
  • Status
  • Location
    Shangri La The Marina, Cairns, Queensland

The 2024 event will be presented as a two-day conference preceded by a day of carbon project site visits in the Atherton Tableland Region, from May 20-22 in Cairns.

The Carbon Farming Industry Forum is the key industry event convening stakeholders across the supply chain of Australia’s carbon market and carbon farming industry. Analogous to the launch of our 3rd Carbon Farming Scorecard, the 8th Forum provides a unique platform to consider latest state and federal policy developments, and to progress actions in CMI’s Carbon Farming Industry Roadmap. Recognising the evolving and multifaceted nature of Australia’s carbon market, the 8th Forum Program is centered around 4 key themes:

  • Carbon farming market developments, optimising policy frameworks & market design
  • Agricultural & land sector decarbonisation
  • The nature & climate nexus
  • Communicating benefits & building capacity

CMI is seeking partners to support this event. Further details can be found in the prospectus.

Photographic Highlights