Jody Gunn

  • Chief Executive Officer, Australian Land Conservation Alliance
  • Social media

Jody is committed to nature conservation at national and international scales. She is a conservation scientist with executive level management experience spanning over two decades. Jody’s career has included academia, non-government and government organisations, with a Bachelor of Science from the University of Melbourne, Australia and a PhD from Anglia Ruskin University in Cambridge, UK.

For the last six years Jody has been the Executive Manager South East for Bush Heritage Australia. During this time she has overseen the expansion of Bush Heritage Australia’s Reserves and partnerships, the delivery and expansion of a private land stewardship program on agricultural land, and strengthened aboriginal partnerships across Bush Heritage’s portfolios across south east Australia.

Prior to this her positions have included Senior Planner for Parks and Wildlife Commission in the Northern Territory, and Conservation Partnerships Manager for Fauna & Flora International. Her early career included four years living in Tanzania working for the Jane Goodall Institute and as a Research Associate at the Animal Behaviour Research Institute.