Holly Taylor

  • Head of Strategy and Partnerships, Energy Efficiency Council
  • Social media

I am passionate about energy, resource and environmental security, and how these issues intersect with sustainable development and human rights. I have been fortunate to be able to put these interests to practical use through my experience at the Energy Efficiency Council in Melbourne, Salix Finance and CDP in London, and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in Geneva.

At the Energy Efficiency Council, Australia’s peak body for energy efficiency, energy management and demand response, I lead our projects and partnerships work, facilitating engagement with members, partners and stakeholders, and connecting them with all aspects of the Council’s programs.

I focus on strategic projects that build the market for energy management by driving ambitious government policy and supporting business decision making and growth. This ranges from research and policy development, to supporting businesses with managing the risks and capturing the opportunities of Australia’s energy transition, to developing CPD training opportunities for energy services professionals.

I have a keen interest in embedding sustainable development and human rights principles within public policy, and in facilitating the achievement of this in the public and private sectors. It is for this reason that I reflect positively on my work with English local authorities, helping them to develop and deliver their energy and carbon management plans, while at Salix Finance, and while supporting multinationals with reducing their carbon footprints at CDP.

Moving forward, I am glad to be using my role at the Energy Efficiency Council to work with businesses working in, and private, public and third sector advocates of, energy management that are eager to realise the financial, social and environmental benefits of sustainable development.