CMI’s events bring together thought leaders, investors, regulators, policy makers and sustainability professionals.

CMI’s calendar of events serves to connect the industry and facilitate knowledge sharing and capacity building. Our industry leading events include the AER Summit, Carbon Farming Industry Forum, Singapore Carbon Market and Investment Forum and Corporate Masterclass Series. Explore opportunities to partner with CMI and attend the numerous events throughout the year.

Upcoming CMI Events

Coming Soon

Carbon Farming Industry Forum

Coming Soon

Singapore Carbon Market & Investor Forum

Coming Soon

12th AER Summit

AER Summit

CMI’s annual Australasian Emissions Reduction (AER) Summit is a must-attend business and climate action event.


2025 marks the 12th year of this premier climate and business event. The AER Summit annually attracts over 120 world-leading national and international expert speakers and more than 1300 delegates for two days of knowledge sharing, commercial interaction and capacity building.  In 2024, the Summit was successfully held at CENTREPIECE in Melbourne, from 29-30th October, in partnership with the Victorian State Government. Showcase your business at the 2025 event, contact the CMI events team to learn more about partnerships.

Carbon Farming Industry Forum

The Carbon Market Institute (CMI)’s Carbon Farming Industry Forum is the key industry event convening stakeholders across the supply chain of Australia’s carbon market and carbon farming industry. The Forum provides a platform for key stakeholders to gather, consider latest developments and progress key actions in CMI’s Carbon Farming Industry Roadmap.

This Forum is an exclusive opportunity for Australia’s carbon industry stakeholders to meet and work together in advancing the industry. This is of even greater importance given the rapidly changing carbon landscape in Australia.

Singapore Carbon Market & Investor Forum

Showcasing investment opportunities, and regional market developments in the Asia-Pacific.


CMI is committed to providing opportunities for Australian business to build international linkages. Building on the success of the inaugural international Forum, CMI will be returning to Singapore in 2024, from 15-16th August, providing an important opportunity for carbon market professions from across the APAC region to convene. Don’t miss this opportunity to expand your business and build new and important relationships with professionals, investors and policy-makers. Showcase your business internationally, contact the CMI events team to learn more about partnerships.

Corporate Climate Masterclass Series

Presented in partnership with the Clean Energy Regulator, CMI’s Corporate Climate Masterclass series offers professional development, supporting corporate actors looking to establish robust corporate climate strategies. Previous series have focused on educating key decision-makers within Safeguard Mechanism entities, how large corporate entities can manage climate risk and emission reductions and engage with emerging nature-related frameworks. Masterclasses draw together international and domestic compliance, and voluntary, market framework developments, and demonstrate best practice approaches to net zero to build knowledge and capacity.

Carbon Conversations

Running regularly for three years, CMI’s popular Friday issues-driven webinar series – Carbon Conversations – discusses key industry, policy, regulatory and community issues. Held regularly at 12pm via ZOOM, this event series responds to latest climate developments domestically and internationally. Stay tuned for new event dates which will be promoted via our newsletter and social media channels. All previous event videos are available for our members, please sign in to access this content.