Pact Capital

Project Developer Carbon Trader Carbon Service Provider Sustainability Consultant

Lead Contact

Nikoletta Lorincz
Head of Operations


Rue du Rhone 67, 1207 Geneva, Switzerland

Pact Capital is a fast-growing multinational project developer and trading firm focused on the low carbon energy transition and contributing to a more sustainable global economy.
We are a growing team of leaders, traders, operational and financial experts working together to help companies in the climate action and carbon market field to meet their business objectives and be successful.

Our company is active in the compliance and voluntary carbon markets on trading, project development and financing of emission reductions projects. Being project developers, most of our credits are from our own projects or bought at early project stages directly from other developers. This allows us to show large volumes at competitive prices, ensuring that the projects and the volumes are under our control and can be discussed as part of a structured deal as well as spot trades.

We are also actively trading in the EU and UK Emissions Trading Systems and can help companies build the most appropriate trading strategy, minimize their financial risk exposure and comply with the regulations.

We would like to help businesses understand the market and the importance of climate action by providing practical and transparent information about climate awareness and carbon markets. With our services in project development, trading, carbon footprint calculation, consultancy and offsetting we would like to demonstrate that climate action can be profitable. Through our activities in the carbon markets, we are a powerful member of the compliance and voluntary carbon markets. Our goal is to help other businesses, our clients and anyone in need and to do good for the planet at the same time.