CSP: ALFA (NT) Limited
Location: Northern Territory
Abatement volume: 2,116,442
ACCUs total units issued
The WALFA project became the landscape scale model upon which the government-approved savanna burning methodology was based. It provided a template for future savanna burning projects across northern Australia.
CSP: Canopy Nature Based Solutions PTY LTD
Location: Western Australia
Abatement volume: 65,887
ACCUs total units issued
This project establishes permanent plantings of a mix of native tree species on land that was predominantly used for agricultural purposes for at least five years prior to project commencement. The tree species are native to the local area.
CSP: ALFA (NT) Limited
Location: Northern Territory
Abatement volume: 2,116,442
ACCUs total units issued
The WALFA project became the landscape scale model upon which the government-approved savanna burning methodology was based. It provided a template for future savanna burning projects across northern Australia.
CSP: Canopy Nature Based Solutions PTY LTD
Location: Western Australia
Abatement volume: 65,887
ACCUs total units issued
This project establishes permanent plantings of a mix of native tree species on land that was predominantly used for agricultural purposes for at least five years prior to project commencement. The tree species are native to the local area.