Australian Integrated Carbon

CMI member Project Developer

Lead Contact

Adam Townley
Chief Executive Officer


Level 2B, Building C/114, 120 Old Pittwater Road, Brookvale NSW 2100

Australian Integrated Carbon (Ai Carbon) partners with landholders to secure carbon revenue. We maximise outcomes by securing the highest carbon price with the best possible carbon yield. We quantify and verify these opportunities through detailed and diligent fieldwork and mapping.

We work to variable price contracts. This means that if we can get a better price for your carbon from a bidder other than the government we will. If your project produces more carbon than projected, you will have increased earnings.

Ai Carbon uses in-house experts with extensive experience to conduct fieldwork. This ensures accuracy when validating carbon areas whilst ensuring sustainable outcomes that can be relied upon for future revenue.

Our financial modelling is comprehensive and will give you a very clear understanding of the potential carbon value of your property.

The first step in becoming a carbon farmer is to undertake a no obligation FREE feasibility assessment on your property or business.

Australian Carbon Industry Code of Conduct Signatory

Signatories to the Code demonstrate to the industry that they are committed to developing and operating in an industry that is built on community trust, transparency, accountability, social and environmental integrity, and is in compliance with the law.

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