Austral Fisheries


Lead Contact

Rhys Arangio
General Manager, Science & Policy


level 4/50 Oxford Close, West Leederville WA 6007, Australia

Austral Fisheries is one of Australia’s largest integrated commercial fishing companies with interests in both deep-sea fishing and at-sea prawning.

We are proud to be recognised for our responsible fishing practices and continuous efforts to maintain our environmentally conscious, sustainable fishing methods. All of the Commonwealth-managed fisheries we operate in are independently certified as sustainable and well managed by the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC).

In 2016, Austral also became the first seafood business in the world to be certified as carbon neutral under the Australian Government’s ‘Climate Active’ Carbon Neutral Program.

Austral Fisheries’ deep-sea fishing activities involve the operation of 3 longline vessels, including a dual-purpose longline-trawl vessel. Each of these vessels is equipped to survive the world’s harshest weather conditions as experienced in Australia’s sub-Antarctic zones. These vessels specialise in catching Patagonian Toothfish and Mackerel Icefish.

Austral Fisheries’ prawning component involves the operation of a fleet of 11 prawn trawlers in the Northern Prawn Fishery off the coast of northern Australia catching Banana, Tiger and Endeavour Prawns. The fishery was established in the late 1960s and is Australia’s most valuable fishery managed by the Australian Commonwealth Government.

Austral’s operation out of Darwin was established in 2017 via investment in the Timor Reef Fishery. This fishery operates in the remote offshore waters of the Northern Territory. Here we are growing towards operating four trap-fishing vessels, primarily targeting Goldband Snapper, Saddletail Snapper, Red Emperor and Mixed Cod species.