COP29 EOIs due Friday + Upcoming Working Group Dates

Dear CMI Member,

On 4 September 2024, the CMI hosted its Carbon Project Development Working Group where the DCCEEW provided further information and context on the 2024 FullCAM Public Release Version.

CMI has met with the DCCEEW to relay significant member feedback and concerns in relation to this process. These concerns related, in the first instance, to the technical issues with the API, transparency and accessibility around data layers and concerns with instructions and guidance material.

Additionally, the CMI has discussed improvement to change management processes and consultation with this 2024 FullCAM PR and subsequent updates.

The DCCEEW have now committed to producing updated guidance document materials and releasing relevant additional data layers. They have advised that they will undertake a second phase consultation to enable stakeholders to better respond to FullCAM PR 2024 proposed changes.  We have been advised that submissions already made to DCCEEW will be considered, however, this is no need to finalise other submissions before the current deadline, this Friday 13 September.

CMI will continue to consult its members and provide updates on this process.

Please let me know if you have any questions about the above.


John Connor, CEO

Carbon Market Institute