Stakeholder Consultation Workshop I

International Stakeholder Engagement
  • Date
    01 May 2023
  • Status
  • Location
    Suva, Fiji

This one-day workshop was hosted by the Climate Change Division (CCD), Office of the Prime Minister, Government of Fiji and supported by the Australian Government, with CMI assisting in consultations and technical assessment.


The Consultation Workshop was held on May 1 in Suva, Fiji following an introductory webinar held on April 4. The workshop was convened by the Climate Change Division (CCD), Office of the Prime Minister, Fiji Government supported by the Australian government in conjunction with CMI and was attended by a broad range of invited stakeholders, crucial to the consultative and collaborative effort necessary to navigate the development of the National Carbon Market Strategy Roadmap.

Further information, including slides, can be found on the CCD website of the Fijian Government.