All Signatories to the Code have agreed to conduct their business in line with the Code requirements.

As part of those requirements, which are outlined in the Code Administrator’s Complaints Handling and Breaches Procedure and the Handling Complaints and Breaches – Guidance for Signatories, available on the Code website, all Signatories must undertake to:

  • inform the Code Administrator of a major or severe breach of the Code (as listed under section 3.6 Breach Matrix of this Code) made by other Signatory companies within 15 business days of becoming aware of the suspected breach.
  • inform the Code Administrator within 20 business days of becoming aware of any other suspected breaches of the Code made by other Signatory companies.

If a Signatory suspects another Signatory has breached the Code, the Signatory must first take reasonable steps to contact the Signatory suspected of breaching the Code, before informing the Code Administrator. This includes providing the Signatory the opportunity to self-report the breach within the timeframes for self-reporting set out in the Code.

In some instances, it may not be possible for a Signatory to contact another Signatory suspected of breaching the Code. In these situations, Signatories can raise the suspected breach directly with the Code Administrator providing reasons why they could not contact the other Signatory about the suspected breach.

Please note: Signatories must not make any vexatious or unfounded claims against another Signatory.


Complaint – an expression of dissatisfaction with an action or service of a Signatory where a response or resolution is explicitly or implicitly expected (see AS/NZS 10002:2014).
Breach – any failure to comply with the Code of Conduct including the Code Rules, and other documentation referred to in the Code.

Register the suspected breach with the Code Administrator using the form below.

The Code Administrator may need to contact you to seek more information in relation to this form.

The Code Administrator will acknowledge receipt of this form within 3 business days of receipt. We will endeavour to get back to you with a response as soon as possible.

  • Signatory details
    Please provide your Signatory name and ID in the table below.
  • Reporting a Breach
    (See definitions for Carbon Offset Project (at Appendix 1 Section 1(10)) and ERF Projects (at Appendix 1 Section 1(30) of the Code).