Do you have a complaint?

Signatories to the Code of Conduct have agreed to conduct their business in line with the Code requirements.

If you believe a Signatory has breached the Code, you are encouraged to raise this first with the Signatory in question if it is appropriate to do so. The Code’s consumer complaints process is outlined below.

Submit a Complaint to the Signatory

Once a Signatory receives your complaint they are expected to investigate the issue, and provide you with feedback on their investigation within 21 days.

Submit a Complaint to the Administrator

If you are not satisfied with the response from the Signatory or would prefer to notify the Code directly, you may register your complaint with the Code Administrator using the Complaint Form below.

Submit a Complaint to Other Bodies

You may also contact your relevant consumer protection body. If you do, you can notify the Code Administrator that you have done so, using the Client Complaint Form below.

How we investigate complaints

If we receive a complaint against a Code Signatory, we will conduct our investigations in accordance with the ACI Code Complaints Policy and Complaints Procedure. You can find more information through the links below.

View our Complaints policy

View our Complaints Handling Process (flow chart)

What is considered a minor or major breach of the Code

If a complaint investigation or compliance audit identifies a breach of the ACI Code, we will take appropriate compliance actions against the Signatory.

Learn more about what constitutes a minor or major breach of the ACI Code through the link below.

View Breach Severity Matrix

Compliance Activity

The Administrator monitors and reviews compliance under the Code to ensure that Signatories continue to operate professionally and comply with Code obligations.

The Administrator will provide regular updates on the number of applications received, approved or rejected, as well as information on breaches by Signatories.