Joe Morrison

  • Group Chief Executive Officer, Indigenous Land and Sea Corporation
  • Social media

Mr Morrison is a highly respected and trusted Indigenous leader from Katherine in the Northern Territory, who has both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander heritage.

He has a BA in Land Management from the University of Sydney and an Honorary Doctorate from the University of New South Wales for his contribution to Indigenous land and sea management, policy development and advocacy.

Mr Morrison has 30 years’ experience working in northern Australia with the North Australian Indigenous Land and Sea Management Alliance (NAILSMA), governments, industry, Land Councils, and the Northern Australia Indigenous Reference Group.

He has been deeply involved in the areas of Indigenous rangers, carbon farming, climate change, economic development, research and policy, water, land rights and native title.

Mr Morrison has more recently worked internationally with Indigenous people. ILSC Chairman Eddie Fry said Mr Morrison would commence his three-year term on 18 January next year.