Idemitsu Australia

CMI member Project Developer

Lead Contact

Serge Radojevic
Head of Renewables


level 9/175 Eagle Street, Brisbane City QLD, Australia

We are committed to protecting the environment, supporting regional communities and providing for society through technological capability.

Idemitsu has set a global target to be carbon neutral by 2050 and our operations will evolve accordingly as we seek to strengthen our renewable energy business.

We have been operating in Australia for more than 40 years, previously known as Idemitsu Muswellbrook Coal Company Ltd and Apollo Resources Pty Ltd, before being renamed Idemitsu Australia Resources in 2007 and Idemitsu Australia in 2021.

Our combined mining operations in Queensland and New South Wales support more than 1,000 local jobs and produce about 14 million tonnes per year of thermal, semi-soft and PCI coals for export.

We play a proactive role in the industry, participating in the Queensland Resources Council, the New South Wales Minerals Council and The Minerals Council of Australia.