Safeguard Symposium

Upcoming Events
  • Date
    01 Jul 2024
  • Time
  • Status
  • Location
    Enid Lyons Alcove, Australian Parliament House

CMI will be hosting a Safeguard Symposium at Australian Parliament House, marking one year since the commencement of the historic Safeguard Mechanism reforms that established a strengthened compliance carbon market for Australia’s top polluting industrial facilities.  

The Symposium will be held at a pivotal time, as policymakers look to increase national climate ambition through the development of Australia’s economy-wide Net Zero Plan and underpinning sectoral decarbonisation plans. 

Drawing together Ministerial and expert insights, the Symposium will provide an opportunity to reflect on the role of market-based mechanisms alongside other policy frameworks, including the Future Made in Australia plan and associated programs and incentives announced in the May Budget.  

It will also serve to focus discussion on ways in which to broaden and deepen Australia’s climate policy suite to scale investment and support ambitious national targets and international cooperation, as policymakers work towards articulating Australia’s 2035 Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) under the Paris Agreement. 

Morning tea will be provided. 

View the program here.



  • Full panel access
  • Networking opportunities
  • Morning tea included

*PLEASE NOTE: The Safeguard Symposium will occur on a parliamentary sitting day, and the program may shift to accommodate unscheduled, last-minute parliamentary requirements

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