All Signatories to the Code have agreed to conduct their business in line with the Code requirements.

As part of those requirements, which are outlined in the Code Administrator’s Complaints Handling and Breaches Procedure and the Handling Complaints and Breaches – Guidance for Signatories, available on the Code website, all Signatories must inform the Code Administrator:

  • within 10 business days of the Signatory receiving a complaint against them from a complainant;
  • within 10 business days of the Signatory being notified by the relevant body of receipt of a complaint, of any complaints lodged against them with the Regulator, the Department, an ombudsman or a consumer affairs body.
  • within 10 business days of the Signatory self-reporting a breach to the relevant body such as the Regulator, the Department, an ombudsman or a consumer affairs body.
  • within 10 business days of becoming aware of a major or severe suspected breach of their obligations under the Code (as listed under section 3.6 Breach Matrix of this Code).
  • within 15 business days of becoming aware of any other suspected breach of their obligations under the Code.


Complaint – an expression of dissatisfaction with an action or service of a Signatory where a response or resolution is explicitly or implicitly expected (see AS/NZS 10002:2014).
Breach – any failure to comply with the Code of Conduct including the Code Rules, and other documentation referred to in the Code.

Register the suspected breach or complaint with the Code Administrator using the form below.

The Code Administrator may need to contact you to seek more information in relation to this form.

The Code Administrator will acknowledge receipt of this form within 3 business days of receipt. We will endeavour to get back to you with a response as soon as possible.