Niklas Hagelberg

  • Climate Program Coordinator, United Nations Environment Program
  • Social media

Niklas Hagelberg is a Senior Programme Officer at UN Environment where he is the Coordinator of UN Environment’s subprogramme on Climate Change. Niklas work includes setting the strategic direction of the subprogramme, programme oversight and progress review and fundraising.

Previously Niklas worked as Coordinator for the Healthy and Productive Ecosystems subprogramme. In the Natural Resources Branch at UN Environment, his responsibilities included building a project portfolio on forests and integrated landscape management. Niklas was also part of the team that established the global UN-REDD programme and UN-REDD country programmes in Tanzania and Vietnam.

Prior to joining UN Environment, Niklas worked with various organizations in the development sector including a small NGO, a consultancy company and WWF. His work included forest certification, forest conservation, good governance, rural development, monitoring & evaluation of development programmes and projects. He worked in Tanzania and Ghana before moving to Kenya. Niklas has a M.Sc. in Forestry.