Lisa Mcfadyen

  • On-Farm Carbon Advice (OFCA) Project, NSW Department of Primary Industries
  • Social media

Lisa is Project Co-ordinator for the On-Farm Carbon Advice (OFCA) Project with the NSW Department of Primary Industries. The OFCA project aims to build the capability of farmers of extensive beef and sheep, dairy and mixed farming systems to manage carbon as part of the farm business and to support the agricultural sector transition to a low emissions future.

Lisa grew up on a family mixed farm in central west NSW, and has worked in several areas of the rural industry. Lisa is a Certified Practising Valuer (CPV), as a property valuer working within NSW & VIC undertaking rural, water, residential and commercial/industrial valuations. Prior to valuation, Lisa worked as an Agronomist in central and southern NSW.

Lisa holds a Bachelor of Science (Agriculture), Bachelor of Agribusiness and Graduate Diploma in Business (Property) and is a Certified Practising Valuer (CPV). She is a member of the Australian Property Institute and on the board of the Lake Cowal Foundation Centre.

Lisa is passionate about all aspects of agriculture and is determined that our farming communities are managed in a viable and sustainable manner.