COP29 EOIs due Friday + Upcoming Working Group Dates

Dear Member,

CMI will be holding its Annual General Meeting on the 28th November 2024, and as required by the CMI Constitution there will be three Board positions vacated and/or available for election at that time.

I am therefore pleased to advise that CMI is now seeking expressions of interest (nominations) from individuals interested in standing for election.

The nominations period will be open for six weeks, and all nominations must be received by COB, Wednesday 9th October 2024. Please see below more information about the Board, eligibility and process details, and information on how to apply.

The CMI Board comprises a maximum of ten voluntary (unpaid) Non-Executive Directors, and is supported by Audit & Risk, Market, Membership and Nominations committees. We note specifically that Directors are required to:

  • personally comply with the legal obligations as a director of a limited liability company under the Corporations Act 2001.
  • act in the best interest of CMI as required by Director obligations under the CMI Constitution, specifically noting sections 8-13.
  • attend five board meetings annually, as well as any committee meetings, out-of-session business and Annual General Meetings.
  • hold a Directorship for an initial minimum three-year term, with a maximum of two consecutive terms (six years total).



As Directors are expected to act in an independent personal capacity, it is not required that candidates be employed by CMI member organisations. Candidates must be able to personally comply with the legal obligations as a director (as noted above) and must not be currently disqualified by ASIC from acting as a company director.

The CMI Board is supported by a skills & experience matrix that also considers age, geographic, gender and cultural diversity representation. To ensure minimal skills gaps, the Nominations Committee is particularly interested in candidates that hold one or more of the following skills/experience:

  • Carbon Project Development
  • Carbon/Environmental Markets & Trading
  • Liable Entity/Emissions Intensive Industry (industrial decarbonisation)
  • Professional accounting, disclosure or auditing qualifications
  • Cultural Diversity

Nomination & Election Process

Nominations are open for a six week period, from Wednesday 28th August to Wednesday 9th October 2024. Once nominations close, the process is as follows:

  • Board Nominations Committee screens nominations against the above eligibility criteria and recommends a shortlist to the Board who confirm election candidates (and notified of next steps) by Friday 1 November 2024.
  • Details of election candidates and voting instructions will be sent to members with the formal Notice of AGM by Wednesday 6th November 2024.
  • Formal elections take place at the Annual General Meeting on Thursday 28th November 2024,


To be considered, your EOI must include a current CV, and a cover letter that can address:

  • Eligibility as per criteria above
  • Alignment with priority skills/experience areas (if any);
  • Reasons/interest in joining the CMI Board; and

Expressions of Interest must be sent to Election Returning Officer via email at by COB Wednesday 9th October 2024.

Please let me know if you have any questions about the above.


John Connor, CEO

Carbon Market Institute